
Watch the Second Part of Our Webinar Series and Learn More About Kubernetes, the Open Source Orchestration System That has Become the De-facto Standard for Running Cloud Native Applications.

In unserer Reihe "Kubernetes 101" behandeln wir die theoretischen und technischen Grundlagen von Kubernetes und nativen Cloud-Technologien und helfen Ihnen bei den ersten Schritten mit Containern und Kubernetes.

In the second part of our series we introduce Kubernetes, the open source orchestration system that has become the de-facto standard for running cloud native applications. It is the technology that will determine the cloud native future over the next decade(s).

In dieser Sitzung behandelte Themen:

  • The background: history, competitors, the ecosystem
  • Kubernetes features
  • Master and worker Nodes
  • Declarative vs. imperative
  • The hello-k8s app
  • Deployments, replica sets and pods

Führende Unternehmen wählen Kubermatic